Meet the Team: Revel

June 28, 2024

Step into the dynamic realm where creativity thrives and strategy is an art form. In this edition of Meet the Team, we’re thrilled to introduce Revel, our ingenious investor and creative lead.

We’ve crafted 75 thought-provoking questions to delve into the essence of his role and uncover some surprising stories from his creative journey. Prepare yourself for an inspiring exploration of his innovative mind and strategic insights, peppered with humor and a touch of charisma. Get comfortable, because this interview promises to be exceptionally engaging and refreshingly original!


Name: Revel Ravesong
Title: Vizier of Coin & Creative Lead

1. Zodiac Sign: On the cusp (Sun hates that phrase) of Aries & Taurus
2. D&D Class: Elven Bard
3. Hogwarts House: Slytherin
4. Superhero: Deadpool
5. Ninja Turtle: Donatello
6. Ice Cream: Lactose Intolerant
7. Cocktail: Midori Mojito
8. Coffee or Tea: Irish Coffee
9. Early Bird or Night Owl: Night Owl
10. Mountains or Beach: Beach
11. Marvel or DC: Marvel
12. Empire or Rebellion: Old Republic
13. Pirates or Ninjas: Pirates
14. Edward or Jacob: Lestat
15. Pineapples On Pizza: That's it, interview over! I'm outta here!

Black Lotus & 3XO

1. What's your role at Black Lotus, and what steamy details can you share about it?

My role at Black Lotus? I'm the man with the money who occasionally descends from his world tour to sprinkle some creative magic and charisma. Officially, I'm the creative lead and investor, but unofficially, I'm the guy who brings the party. Basically, I bankroll the brilliance and add a dash of spice and sexiness to everything we do. Mostly, I’m off exploring the world, collecting experiences, and video chatting with the team from wherever the wind has carried me. Steamy details? Well, let’s just say my video meetings often feature exotic backdrops and the occasional shirtless cameo. It’s all about keeping things exciting and unpredictable, right?

2. If you had to describe your job with a meme, which spicy one would you pick?

3. Give us an enticing glimpse into your daily life working on 3XO – what’s your routine like?

Alright, buckle up buttercups! My day starts when I decide it starts – usually around noon, because mornings are for tryhards. I roll out of bed in some exotic locale, grab a double espresso strong enough to wake the dead, and maybe a local delicacy if I’m feeling fancy. Then it’s time for a video call with the Black Lotus crew, often from a rooftop pool or a hammock on the beach. They never know where I’ll pop up next – keeps 'em guessing.

Afternoons are all about soaking in inspiration – maybe a quick bungee jump or a spontaneous street performance. I jot down ideas for 3XO on whatever’s handy – napkins, my arm, the back of a random tourist’s shirt, anything. Evenings? That’s when the magic happens. I hit up the nightlife, because what’s creativity without a bit of chaos? Between the neon lights and thumping beats, I sketch, brainstorm, and occasionally nap under the stars.

My routine is a cocktail of unpredictability with a splash of genius. It’s exciting, it’s wild, and it’s just how I like it.

4. What’s the most delightful part about working at Black Lotus?

The most delightful part? Definitely the freedom to be my eccentric self. While the rest of the team holds down the fort with their dedication and brilliance, I get to be the wild card. I throw out the crazy ideas, and they somehow make them work. It’s like having a front-row seat to a magic show where the tricks are all about turning my outlandish visions into reality.

5. What’s one thing you could do without while working here?

Easy: meetings that require pants. Seriously, if I had my way, every meeting would be a pajama party or a beach hangout. Also, the occasional tech hiccups during video calls when I’m in some remote paradise – nothing kills the vibe like a frozen screen right when I’m about to drop a genius idea.

But really, the one thing I could absolutely do without is the mundane stuff – paperwork, reports, and anything that involves a spreadsheet. Leave the number-crunching to the nerds; I’m here to keep things wild and unpredictable. So, if we could just banish all things boring, that’d be perfect.

6. What captivating feature or system are you currently working on?

I leave most of the coding and other actual work to the rest of the team. I'm more of the "big picture guy".

Right now, I’m knee-deep in an exciting new project that’s still under wraps. Let’s just say it’s all about protecting our digital playground from some pretty annoying restrictions. It’s going to be a game-changer in the fight for internet freedom. Can’t spill all the beans yet, but when we announce it next week, it’s going to rock the boat in the best way possible. Stay tuned and get ready for battle!

7. What’s been the most satisfying part of your journey with Black Lotus so far?

It's been a thrill to work with such a talented group who can take my offbeat, crazy visions and make them even better than I imagined. The creative synergy at Black Lotus is something special, and being part of that process is immensely satisfying. We're on the cusp (oh how Sun must love this, muahaha!) of something amazing with 3XO, and I can't wait to see how the world reacts when we finally unleash it.

8. Can you share a sultry moment or unforgettable experience from your time working on 3XO?

Oh, I’ve got a story for you. Picture this: I’m in a luxurious penthouse in Tokyo, with a skyline view that’s to die for. It’s late at night, and I’m video chatting with the team, brainstorming some of the more... let’s say, intimate features of 3XO. We’re talking about how to make the game's social interactions sizzle.

Suddenly, inspiration strikes, and I grab a sketchpad. I start sketching out this wild idea for a hidden speakeasy in the game where players can have secret, immersive encounters. The energy was electric, the city lights were glowing, and I was fueled by the perfect mix of sake and adrenaline. That night, we came up with one of the most intriguing and interactive features of 3XO. And you'll have to discover it on your own in-game, no clues!

9. What is the most priceless lesson you’ve learned while working at Black Lotus?

Embrace the chaos. Seriously, some of the best ideas come from the most unexpected places and moments. Whether it’s a sudden brainstorm in the middle of a crowded bazaar or a crazy idea scribbled on a napkin during a flight, the magic happens when you let creativity run wild and free.

I've learned that pushing boundaries and taking risks is where the real innovation lives. It’s about trusting your instincts and not being afraid to throw out the rulebook. The team at Black Lotus has shown me that when you mix structured brilliance with a bit of my brand of unpredictability, you get something truly extraordinary. So, the lesson? Stay edgy, stay fearless, and always be ready to dive into the unknown.

10. Where do you conjure up your inspiration from?

Inspiration? Oh, it’s everywhere if you know where to look. I’m like a sponge, soaking up the world’s chaos and turning it into creative gold. One day it’s the bustling streets of Marrakesh, the next it’s the serene temples of Kyoto. I thrive on the energy of new places, the people I meet, and the wild experiences I dive into.

Art galleries, underground clubs, street performances – you name it, I’ve probably drawn inspiration from it. Sometimes, it’s a random conversation with a stranger or a mind-blowing piece of street art that lights the spark. I also have a habit of jotting down ideas at the most inconvenient times – like mid-bungee jump or during a storm on a deserted beach.

In short, I conjure my inspiration from the beautifully chaotic tapestry of life. It’s all about embracing the unexpected and letting the world’s wonders fuel my creativity.

11. If 3XO could team up with anyone, who would be your dream collaborator?

Alright, let's get wild with this. If 3XO could team up with anyone, I’d go for the wild and imaginative minds like Guillermo del Toro. His visionary approach to creating fantastical worlds could inspire some insanely immersive environments in our sandbox cyberspace, making player-created content even more magical and eerie.

Or maybe someone like Daft Punk. Their iconic, futuristic vibe could bring a whole new dimension of sound and style to 3XO. Imagine players creating their own worlds with custom soundtracks influenced by the duo’s legendary beats. It would turn every virtual space into an unforgettable audio-visual experience.

And for an edgy twist, how about collaborating with the creative team behind the Burning Man festival? Their knack for fostering radical self-expression and building temporary, mind-blowing art installations could inspire players to push the limits of creativity in 3XO. These collaborations would help make our digital playground the most dynamic and immersive experience out there.

12. How crucial are gaming communities and fan feedback in shaping 3XO?

Absolutely essential. Gaming communities and fan feedback are the lifeblood of 3XO. Since it’s a fully sandbox social cyberspace, the players are the real architects of this universe. Their creativity, ideas, and feedback directly shape the game’s evolution. It’s like having thousands of co-creators pushing the boundaries and dreaming up new possibilities.

We need their input – whether it's wild feature suggestions, bug reports, or just crazy ideas that come from the heart of the community. It's all about creating a space where players will feel empowered to build, explore, and share their own unique experiences and desires.

13. How do you elegantly handle player criticism and feedback?

Ah, handling player criticism – it’s an art form. First, you’ve got to embrace it. Criticism is just passion in disguise, and it's a sign that people care deeply about what we’re creating. We take it all in stride, knowing it’s part of the creative process.

We listen intently and with an open mind. Every piece of feedback is valuable, whether it’s praise or a bit of tough love. We filter through the noise to find the nuggets of wisdom that can help us improve. It’s like mining for gold – sometimes you’ve got to sift through a lot to find the real treasure.

Then, we respond with gratitude and transparency. Players need to know they’re heard and that their input matters. We keep the communication lines open, share our thought process, and explain what we're doing and why.

And, of course, we inject a bit of humor and edge into it. If someone points out a flaw, we own it, maybe even laugh about it, and then we fix it. It’s all about turning potential negatives into positives and making the community feel like they’re part of the journey.

14. What’s been the most grueling part about creating 3XO?

Oh, easy. The most grueling part is when I get told “no” to some of my coolest ideas. Imagine conjuring up this insanely epic concept, only to have the team rain on your parade with practicalities like “feasibility” and “budget.” It's like being handed the keys to a candy store and then told you can only have one piece.

I’ve had visions of floating cities, interactive holograms, and even a feature that lets players morph into mythical creatures on the fly. But sometimes, the realities of game development clip my creative wings. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but it’s also a crucial part of the process.

The silver lining? Those “no” moments push me to refine my ideas, make them even better, and find a way to fit them into the grand tapestry of 3XO. It’s a challenging dance between imagination and reality, but it’s what makes the end result so damn rewarding.

15. What’s the boldest risk you’ve taken during the development of 3XO, and did it pay off?

The boldest risk? That would be my unusual marketing strategies, which some might call “radio silence” but I call “strategic patience.” We’ve had our share of delays and long quiet periods, and sure, it’s made some folks impatient and a bit skeptical. But there’s a method to this madness - basically mixing marketing with The Art of War.

By staying under the radar and not constantly hyping things up all the time, we’re building anticipation and intrigue. For one, it creates controversy, and controversy is good marketing. Second, it leads our competitors to feel safe, and when they feel safe they get lazy and complacent, just how we want them!

It’s all about striking at the right moment, making the biggest impact when the time is perfect. Think of it as lying in wait, ready to unleash something incredible when everyone least expects it.

Has it paid off? Well, the proof will be in the final release, but I’m confident that this strategy will make 3XO’s debut unforgettable. When we finally lift the curtain, the buildup and the buzz will be worth every moment of suspense. It’s all about playing the long game and making sure we come out swinging.

16. What’s the most maddening challenge 3XO faces right now, and what’s your strategy to conquer it?

There's two things, really.

The first challenge: That would be managing player expectations amid all the delays and quiet periods. People are eager, they want updates, they want to see progress – and when you’re playing the long game like we are, it can drive them a bit nuts. Keeping the faith alive in our community while we perfect our masterpiece is a tightrope walk.

My strategy to conquer this? Strategic revelation and impeccable timing. We’re not just going to trickle out updates and half-baked features. Instead, we’re gearing up for a series of big, bold reveals that will blow everyone away. It’s about quality over quantity – making sure that when we do show our hand, it’s a royal flush.

The second challenge: Navigating the maze of age verification laws cropping up everywhere. These regulations are going to be a massive mess for the entire adult games industry, not just 3XO.

My strategy to conquer this? We’re taking a stand and fighting back with everything we’ve got. We'll be spearheading a new project dedicated to challenging these draconian laws and advocating for digital privacy and freedom. We’re rallying the troops, spreading awareness, and pushing for change on a grand scale. Stay tuned, because we'll be revealing more details in the coming days!

17. What do you think makes 3XO irresistibly unique compared to other games in the same genre?

Simple: it’s the sheer level of freedom and creativity we offer. We’re not just giving players a sandbox; we’re handing them the keys to their own universe. In 3XO, players can build, explore, and interact without the usual constraints. It’s a social cyberspace where the only limit is your imagination.

And let’s not forget the edgy, unfiltered vibe we bring to the table. Our game isn’t just about creating and exploring – it’s about expressing yourself in the wildest, most uninhibited ways possible. Whether it’s through intricate world-building, provocative social interactions, or just plain goofing around, 3XO is designed to be as diverse and unpredictable as its players.

Plus, our commitment to community-driven content means that 3XO will constantly be evolving. We listen to our players, incorporate their ideas, and let their creativity shape the game’s future. It’s a living, breathing world that reflects the passions and imaginations of its inhabitants. That’s what makes 3XO not just a game, but an ever-expanding universe of possibilities.

18. What about 3XO has you absolutely thrilled?

Oh, where do I start? I’m beyond pumped to dive into 3XO and party like there’s no tomorrow. Imagine this: I’m hosting the wildest bashes at Club Revellion, where the beats are insane, the drinks are virtual but the vibes are real, and the dance floor is hotter than the sun. Then there’s The Grand Revelry – think of it as the Coachella of cyberspace, but with fewer flower crowns and more hedonism.

But honestly, what gets my heart racing is the chance to mingle with all of you in-game. I’m stoked to crash your worlds, join your adventures, and maybe even start a few virtual bar brawls (all in good fun, of course). I’m all about creating chaos, sparking wild conversations, and seeing just how far we can push the boundaries of this digital playground. So gear up, because when 3XO goes live, we’re going to turn this virtual universe into the ultimate party scene!

19. How do you envision 3XO evolving in the long run after its initial release?

In the long run, I see 3XO evolving into a digital universe so expansive and wild, it’ll make the real world look like a snooze fest. We’re talking about constant updates, insane new features, and endless opportunities for players to push the envelope.

Imagine player-created cities that become legendary, epic events that draw crowds from all corners of the game, and collaborations with artists, musicians, and creators who bring their unique flavor to our universe. I envision 3XO as a place where every visit feels like a fresh, unpredictable adventure.

We’re going to keep the vibe electric with regular, outrageous events at places like Club Revellion, introducing mind-bending new environments, and maybe even some off-the-wall gameplay mechanics that keep everyone on their toes. Think zero-gravity dance parties, haunted hedge mazes, and time-warping escape rooms.

But most importantly, 3XO will evolve based on the community’s creativity. The more players experiment and create, the more the game will grow and transform. It’s going to be a living, breathing world that constantly reinvents itself – a place where the unexpected is the norm and the only limit is your imagination!

20. What kind of lasting legacy do you hope 3XO will leave in the gaming world?

I want 3XO to be the game that blew the doors off what’s possible in a virtual world. The legacy? Pure, unfiltered chaos and creativity. I hope people say, “3XO let us do things that no other game dared to even dream of.”

I want it to be the ultimate playground where the lines between reality and virtual insanity are deliciously blurred. A game where players didn’t just participate but ruled their own wild kingdoms and threw the craziest digital parties.

And let’s be real – I want 3XO to be remembered as the game that gave the middle finger to restrictive laws and championed digital freedom. A legend in the gaming world for decades to come, inspiring future rebels to break the mold and create their own epic experiences.

Game Development

1. What exhilarating escapades were you on before you graced us with your presence at the studio?

Before I joined the Black Lotus team, I had quite the adventure-packed resume. I've been an artist, musician, DJ, designer, entrepreneur... pretty much everything. I also dabbled in venture capitalism and crypto investing, riding the wild waves of the digital finance world.

From underground galleries to high-stakes boardrooms, I’ve seen and done a lot. It’s been a whirlwind of creativity, business, and just plain fun. Those experiences have shaped who I am and have given me a treasure trove of stories and skills.

2. When and how did you charm your way into the world of game development?

It all kicked off back in 2020, when COVID had us all locked down and I found myself back on 3DXChat, only to remember why I quit in the first place – it sucked. I was craving more content, better customization, and way more social activities. That's when fate stepped in and I met Caliope and Reigning Sun. We hit it off instantly, bonding over our shared frustrations and dreams for something better.

Turns out, they were programmers with the skills to match their passions. So, I threw out an offer they couldn't refuse – full-time salaries to create the game of our dreams. And just like that, we dove headfirst into the wild world of game development, determined to build something truly epic.

3. What’s the most attractive aspect of game design for you, and why does it get your pulse racing?

Game design is a perfect mix of chaos and control. There’s the thrill of the unpredictable, where every decision can lead to something extraordinary. It’s a playground for my creativity, and that’s what makes it so damn exciting.

4. What’s the most maddening challenge you face in game development?

Probably balancing player expectations with the realities of development. Everyone has these wild, amazing ideas, and the pressure to deliver on all fronts can be intense. Plus, keeping the hype alive during long periods of development while maintaining "strategic patience" is a tricky tightrope walk.

And then there are the age verification laws that keep popping up like unwanted ads. Navigating those is a headache and a half.

But the strategy is simple: patience, innovation, and a bit of that old Revel charm. We take our time to get things right, fight the legal battles head-on, and keep pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. It’s maddening, but it’s also what makes the journey so damn exhilarating.

5. What’s the most irresistible skill a game developer should possess?

Imagination. It’s the magic ingredient that turns code and pixels into entire worlds. A game developer with a vivid imagination can see possibilities where others see limits. Imagination is what breathes life into the virtual, making games not just a pastime but an adventure, a story, a piece of art, an experience. Without it, a game is just lines of code. With it, the sky’s the limit.

6. What’s one jaw-dropping secret about game development that would make anyone do a double-take?

Here’s a jaw-dropper for you: Most of the coolest, most mind-blowing features in a game often start as complete accidents or last-minute ideas. That epic mechanic or stunning visual effect you love in whatever game? There’s a good chance it was born from a late-night coding session where someone decided to try something totally off-the-wall.

Game development is full of happy accidents and unexpected discoveries. Sometimes, the bugs turn into features, and the craziest ideas end up being the most beloved parts of the game. It’s like a beautiful storm where creativity and randomness collide, and that’s what makes it so thrilling.

7. Describe the game of your wildest dreams that would be the ultimate fantasy to create.

The game of my wildest dreams? Picture this: an open-world, fully immersive sandbox where reality and fantasy blend seamlessly. It’s a universe where players can shape-shift between different realms – from cyberpunk cities with neon-soaked streets to enchanted forests where magic pulses through every leaf.

In this game, players have absolute freedom to create their own stories, build towering citadels, or even become legendary figures. The environment adapts to their actions, evolving in real-time based on the choices they make. Want to host a rave on a floating island or start a rebellion in a dystopian metropolis? Go for it.

The social interactions would be next-level, with AI-driven NPCs that react dynamically, forming alliances or rivalries based on your decisions. And let’s not forget the customization – every avatar, building, and landscape would be endlessly customizable, down to the tiniest detail.

Throw in some mind-bending VR support, so players can literally step into their creations, and you’ve got the ultimate fantasy game. It’s a place where imagination is the only limit, and every session is a new, unpredictable adventure.

8. Which game dev or studio has you utterly mesmerized and why?

I’ve got to give it up to CD Projekt Red. Their work on The Witcher series and Cyberpunk 2077 has me completely mesmerized. These folks are masters at crafting incredibly detailed, immersive worlds that feel alive. The depth of their storytelling, the richness of their environments, and the sheer ambition of their projects are nothing short of awe-inspiring.

They push boundaries and take risks, which I respect immensely. Sure, not everything always goes perfectly – looking at you, Cyberpunk 2077 launch – but their willingness to aim high and innovate is what makes them so captivating. They create experiences that suck you in and make you forget the outside world, which is the ultimate goal for any game developer.

9. What’s your most triumphant moment that makes you puff up with pride?

My most triumphant moment? Definitely when I pitched the idea for 3XO and got the team on board. Convincing everyone to take the leap into creating this incredibly massive and advanced game was no small feat. It was risky, ambitious, and downright crazy, but seeing the concept come to life has been beyond rewarding.

That moment when we all agreed to dive into this uncharted territory was a game-changer. It felt like we were on the brink of something revelutionary, and knowing that I played a part in sparking that vision makes me swell with pride. Every time I see our progress and imagine the worlds players will create, I’m reminded of that pivotal moment and it never fails to put a huge grin on my face.

10. How do you keep your cool when dealing with stress, deadlines, delays, and player criticism?

Honestly, stress just isn’t my style. While the rest of the team handles the day-to-day grind and stress, I’m usually off traveling, soaking up inspiration from around the world. That distance helps me stay relaxed and cool as a cucumber.

My job is keeping the team happy and motivated. I bring back wild stories, fresh ideas, and a sense of adventure to keep the creative juices flowing. I crack jokes, keep the atmosphere light, and remind everyone why we’re doing this – to create something groundbreaking and fun.

So, while the rest of the team tackles the heavy lifting, I’m the guy making sure we all remember to enjoy the ride. It’s about balancing the hard work with a bit of flair and keeping the spirits high, no matter what challenges we face.

11. How do you masterfully balance work and play, especially during those heated crunch times?

Balancing work and play is an art, especially when the heat is on. Here’s my secret sauce:

  1. Inject Fun into the Grind: Even during crunch times, I make sure there’s always a touch of fun. Whether it's impromptu dance breaks, ridiculous memes in the team chat, or spontaneous virtual hangouts, keeping the mood light helps everyone stay sane and productive.
  2. Travel and Recharge: I take advantage of my travels to recharge my creative batteries. A change of scenery can do wonders for the mind. Plus, bringing back fresh ideas from my adventures keeps the team inspired.
  3. Flexible Focus: I’ve mastered the art of flexible focus. During crunch times, I dive deep when needed but always come up for air to keep things balanced. It’s about intense bursts of productivity followed by moments of relaxation.
  4. Support and Motivation: I focus on keeping the team motivated and supported. Happy devs mean better work, even under pressure. I’m always there to boost morale, share a laugh, and remind everyone of the bigger picture.
  5. Personal Rituals: I have my own little rituals to stay centered – be it a quick meditation, a walk, or just zoning out to some killer tunes. These moments keep me balanced and ready to tackle whatever comes next.

So, it’s all about blending the hustle with a bit of joy and keeping the team energized and focused. Work hard, play harder.

12. What makes all your hard work feel like a sweet reward?

What makes it all worth it is seeing the spark of excitement in the team when a crazy idea comes to life. Watching them light up when we nail a feature or overcome a tough challenge – that’s the real reward.

And then there’s the anticipation of players diving into the world we’ve created. Knowing that soon, people will be building their own adventures, pushing the limits of what we imagined, and having an absolute blast – it’s exhilarating.

AI, baby! The rise of AI in gaming has me totally hooked. The idea of creating NPCs that actually learn and adapt to player behavior? That’s next-level stuff. Imagine a game where the characters are as unpredictable and wild as the players – it’s like throwing a match into a fireworks factory.

The potential for more dynamic, responsive, and downright chaotic game environments is what gets my pulse racing. AI is the future, and I’m all in for the ride.

14. Do you have a programming language that you’re head over heels for?

Absolutely, JavaScript. It's the wild west of programming languages – flexible, dynamic, and always full of surprises. Whether I'm whipping up something quick or diving into a complex project, JavaScript's got the swagger to handle it. Plus, it powers the web, making it the perfect tool for creating those interactive, edgy experiences I love. It’s like the rockstar of coding languages.

Haha, just kidding. Fuck JavaScript!

15. What’s your favorite tool or software that you can’t help but flirt with every day?

Ah, without a doubt, it’s Visual Studio Code. This beauty has everything – sleek design, powerful extensions, and the flexibility to handle anything I throw at it. It’s like the Swiss Army knife of code editors. I can’t resist its charm; it’s the ultimate partner in crime for all my coding escapades.

16. What personal quality have you polished to perfection that’s been crucial to your game dev career?

Imagination, baby. I’ve honed it to a razor’s edge, and it’s been the secret sauce in all of my many careers. With it, I turn crazy ideas into game-changing features. It’s what keeps the creativity flowing and the boundaries pushed. Without it, we’re just writing code. With it, we’re creating magic.

17. If you could wave a magic wand and transform one thing about the game dev industry, what would it be?

I’d wave my wand and make all those dangerous age verification laws vanish. These laws are a privacy nightmare, leaving people’s data vulnerable just because some puritanical zealots think nudity is bad. Poof, gone! No more impending legal headaches, just kickass games all the way.

18. How do you foresee the electrifying evolution of gaming over the next five years?

The next five years in gaming are going to be a high-voltage spectacle. AI will revolutionize gaming, creating dynamic worlds and characters that learn and evolve based on player interactions. Imagine NPCs that remember your choices, adapt to your playstyle, and offer truly unique experiences every time you log in.

And let's talk about adult games – they're going to break into the mainstream in a big way. As societal taboos continue to erode, we’ll see more games that explore adult themes with sophistication and creativity. These games will offer deep, immersive experiences that go beyond mere titillation, pushing boundaries and opening up new avenues for storytelling and player engagement.

19. What alluring pitfalls or mistakes should one avoid in the world of game development?

First up, avoid the siren call of overpromising. It’s easy to get swept up in excitement and hype, but promising features you can’t deliver is a surefire way to sink your project.

Next, don’t fall into the crunch trap. Long hours and burnout might seem like a badge of honor, but they’re productivity killers in the long run. Keep your team healthy and happy.

20. What’s the best piece of advice you’d give to someone dreaming of a career in game development?

Embrace your imagination and let it run wild. The most memorable games come from thinking outside the box and pushing the boundaries of creativity. Don’t be afraid to take risks and break the mold.

Surround yourself with a passionate team. Game development is a collaborative art, and having a crew that shares your vision and enthusiasm can turn daunting challenges into thrilling adventures.

And most importantly, stay resilient. The journey will have its share of pitfalls and frustrations, but every setback is a lesson in disguise. Keep pushing forward, keep learning, and remember why you fell in love with game development in the first place.

Personal Details

1. What’s your ultimate video game crush – your favorite game or series?

That’s got to be Mass Effect. The mix of epic space adventure, complex characters, and choices that truly matter is an irresistible combo. Plus, the romance options add that extra layer of spice – nothing beats the thrill of navigating intergalactic relationships while saving the galaxy.

2. If you could slip into the skin of any video game character, who would you choose to be?

Commander Shepard, duh. Why? Because that guy gets to charm his way across the galaxy, saving planets and, yeah, maybe indulging in some extraterrestrial romance along the way.

3. What tantalizing hobbies do you indulge in outside of gaming?

Outside of gaming, I've got a taste for the finer things in life. You might catch me exploring exotic locales, diving into the depths of art and culture, or even just kicking back with a good book. When the mood strikes, I dabble in music and enjoy keeping up with the latest in tech and AI developments. Oh, and throwing unforgettable parties! That's practically a hobby in itself.

4. If you couldn’t seduce pixels as a game developer, what would be your dream job?


5. What movie sweeps you off your feet every time?

It's impossible to pick just one. I love pretty much all movies. I guess I've seen Species more than most. Natasha Henstridge as a nympho alien? Yes please!

The Voyeurs is also a favorite. Sydney Sweeney has some really good... "plot"... in that movie.

6. If you could be serenaded by any musician or band, who would it be and what song would they sing?

Oooh, tough one! I want to say any group with a gorgeous rockin' chick like Halestorm or someone like Lindsey Stirling because what a cutie. But if I had to choose solely based on the music, I'd have to go with Blue Stahli. Every song is pure musical genius, but The Devil album is the best.

7. What dish makes your taste buds tingle with delight?

Sushi! With sake bombs! Especially from this one incredible restaurant in Savannah, Georgia that I can't remember the name of, but it had the most delicious (and largest) sushi I've ever had.

8. If you could morph into any animal, what would you be and why?

Probably a shark. They're apex predators of the ocean, perfectly adapted for their environment with sleek bodies and powerful jaws. Swimming effortlessly through the depths, exploring the mysterious world beneath the waves, and embodying a sense of primal strength and resilience. Plus how much fun would it be to prank people at the beach?

9. If you could wield any superpower, what would it be and why?

Teleportation, hands down. Imagine the freedom of instantly traveling to any place on Earth — or beyond — without the hassle of airports or long journeys. It would make life so much more convenient and exciting, allowing me to experience everything the world has to offer without limitations.

10. If you could whisk yourself away to any destination in the world, where would you go and why?

I've pretty much been everywhere at this point. So I'd probably say somewhere that's extremely remote, full of adventure, and possibly even undiscovered (if that even still exists).

11. Do you have any secret talents that would make jaws drop?

Oh, you bet! I've got a knack for playing the piano (+ guitar, violin, and drums) like a maestro on a mission and can whip up some seriously impressive latte art. Not to mention, my ability to effortlessly juggle flaming torches while reciting Shakespearean sonnets tends to leave quite the impression.

12. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?

That would have to be scaling the cliffs of the Amalfi Coast in Italy, diving into the azure waters below, and then celebrating with a moonlit feast atop a private cliffside villa with a beautiful lady-friend. It was a blend of adrenaline, breathtaking views, and pure exhilaration that still makes my heart race just thinking about it.

13. If you could magically master any new skill, what would it be?

If I could magically master any new skill, I would choose to become a master of lucid dreaming. Imagine being able to consciously control and explore the dream world with vivid clarity and creativity. Mastering lucid dreaming would allow me to unlock limitless possibilities for adventure, self-discovery, and artistic expression within the realm of dreams. It's a skill that blends imagination with introspection, offering a unique opportunity to explore the depths of the subconscious mind and harness its potential for personal growth and exploration. Unfortunately, I'm terrible at it. I just can't keep from waking up before things get interesting.

14. What quote or saying gets you all fired up?

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" by Aleister Crowley is a powerful and provocative statement. It encourages individuality, self-expression, and the pursuit of one's true path without restraint. It's a mantra that challenges conformity and encourages personal sovereignty, sparking contemplation and debate on freedom, ethics, and the nature of existence.

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." - Aleister Crowley

15. If you had a sexy theme song that played every time you entered a room, what would it be?

Haha! I'd have to say I'm Too Sexy by Right Said Fred would be the perfect sexy theme song for making an entrance.

"And I'm too sexy for my hat

Too sexy for my hat

What ya think about that?"

16. What’s the most outrageous dare you’ve ever accepted?

I once spent a night camping alone in the Aokigahara Forest in Japan, also known as "The Suicide Forest". That was a harrowing experience I'd never like to revisit.

I've also been streaking too many times to count.

17. If you could enjoy a romantic date with any celebrity, living or dead, who would it be?

Alexandra Daddario. Her beauty and intelligence make her someone I'd love to spend an enchanting evening with. Plus, those eyes! And other... assets! I'm a smitten kitten.

18. What trait in another person turns you on the most?

Well, physically, it's all about the eyes — they're the windows to the soul, after all. You can literally see a person's intelligence shine through. That's sexy AF.

And on a deeper level, confidence really gets me going. There's something irresistibly attractive about someone who knows themselves, walks with assurance, and isn't afraid to take charge.

19. What’s your favorite way to set the stage for a steamy, romantic evening?

Imagine a room adorned with flickering candles casting shadows, the air heavy with the scent of leather and a hint of danger, and a playlist that's all about the slow burn. We're exploring the depths of desire, teasing with power dynamics, and surrendering to the thrill of the unknown. It's about pushing boundaries, exploring new sensations, and creating a vibe that's tantalizingly sinful. It isn't just a date — it's an invitation to unleash desires and dive deep into the realms of pure pleasure.

20. What’s a surprising fact about you that would leave people stunned?

I have a private collection of rare and ancient books that I cherish and study avidly. It's a side of me that reflects a deep appreciation for history, knowledge, and the quiet pursuit of wisdom amidst my more outwardly adventurous pursuits.